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Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is an integrated, multi-tiered prevention and intervention comprehensive framework that focuses on Common Core State Standards, effective first instruction, differentiated learning, student-centered learning, individualized student needs, and the alignment of systems necessary for all students’ academic, behavioral, and social success.  At the base of this framework are universal Tier I supports—efforts aimed at preventing the emergence of future problems.  When these strategies and insufficient, Tier II supports are indicated.  Tier II supports are designed to reduce the intensity of and/or eliminate emerging problems.  These interventions are often continuously available and are often provided in a small group or targeted setting.  For students that are in need of more intensive services, Tier III strategies and programs are utilized.  Within Tier III, individualized supports include highly individualized and intensive interventions.  To address these more intensive needs, these interventions often include a greater emphasis on assessment and a team-based approach.  Dry Creek has a comprehensive MTSS plan serving students at all school sites for academic and social-emotional needs.