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Food Services

Please contact Food Services at  916-771-1675 x50244 or for questions, feedback, or more information on this program. 

Welcome to Food & Nutrition Services!

Good nutrition and learning go hand in hand. 

Food Services for the Dry Creek School Joint Elementary School District is provided by The Food Service Department of the Roseville City School District. The goal of the department is to offer a wide variety of tasty, nutritious meals to students at a reasonable price. This is done in a clean, safe environment by caring, well-trained staff.

California launched the Universal School Meals Program, providing all public school students in the state with two school meals free of charge during each school day to any pupil who requests a meal without consideration of the pupil’s eligibility for a federally funded free or reduced-price meal, with a maximum of one free meal for each meal service period.

The meals are designed to meet the dietary guidelines for Americans with limited quantities of fat, saturated fat, and sodium. Additionally, we have partnered with the Life Time Foundation since 2016 to remove high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, and hydrogenated oils, hormones and antibiotics, bleached flour, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners and preservatives from over 80% of our current menu items. Each meal is comprised of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and low-fat milk to help students fuel their body and mind. Rest assured, when your child eats a school meal, he or she is getting a nutritious meal that will help him or her perform at his or her best!

The Food and Nutrition Services department is made up of a team of food and nutrition professionals that are dedicated to students' health, well-being and their ability to learn. We support learning by promoting healthy habits for lifelong nutrition and fitness practices.